L. N. Mishra Institute of Economic Development & Social Change, Patna
ललित नारायण मिश्र आर्थिक विकास एवं सामाजिक परिवर्तन संस्थान, पटना

1, Nehru Marg, Patna-800001
An Autonomous Institute under Govt. of Bihar
Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna and Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India

Ranked amongst Top 15 B-School of Eastern India by Times B school Survey

About Examination


About Examination

The Institute has been granted autonomy by the Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna in respect of conduct of examinations and publication of results. Accordingly all theory, project, viva voce and practical examinations are conducted by the Institute itself.

The degree (MCA, MBA, MBA (IB), MBA (HRD), BCA & BBA is awarded by the Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna. At the end of each semester, the examinations are held for the prescribed subjects. Following are the Constituents of the full marks

Subject Full Marks Distribution
Theory Paper 100 70% written+30%Internal Assessment–MBA, MCA & MBA-IB, MBA-HRD, BBA & BCA
Project (Viva-voce) 100 50% Project Report + 50% Viva-Voce (MBA, MBA-HRD and MBA-IB)
Project Report & Viva-voce (MCA Final) 500 50% Project Report + 50% Viva-voce
Practical (MCA) 100 50% Programming Lab.+ 50% Viva-voce
Project (viva-voce)(BBA & BCA) 100 50% Project Report + 50% Vive-voce
Practical (BCA) 100 50% Programming Lab.+ 50% Viva voce

The duration of the theory paper examination will be of three (3) hours.

Sent-up Participants: To be sent-up for semester-end examination, a student should have a minimum of 75% attendance of total classes held in all papers of the semester. A student will not be allowed to take the semester-end examination, if he/she fails to secure 75% attendance in aggregate.

Internal Assessment Marks : The responsibility for evaluation shall be that of the Committee consisting of the concerned faculty members and headed by the Director of the Institute.

Project Report & Viva Voce : All participants are required to undergo project work as prescribed in the syllabus and they are required to submit the Project Report in three copies as per the time-schedule announced by the Institute. Evaluation of project report is the responsibility of the Board of Examiners appointed for this purpose. They will also conduct Viva-Voce on project work done by the students.

Result & Mark-Sheet: After the final examination, the Institute will publish the list of successful participants (those who complete the entire course successfully) arranged in order of merit. These successful participants shall be given their respective mark-sheets on payment of the prescribed fee. Participants will have to produce “NO DUES” certificates from the Library, Admission Section and Computer Centre for taking final marks-sheet, provisional certificate, Institute leaving certificate, Character certificate, etc from the Examination Department.

Provisional Certificate: Provisional Certificate shall be issued to successful participants on payment of the prescribed fee.

Unfair Means Cases: Such type of cases will be dealt with severely according to the rules and regulations issued by the University and the State Govt, of Bihar.

Carry-over Examination: If a participant, who is allowed to appear in the examination of any semester of his /her batch, fails to appear or fails in examination, he / she may appear in the carry-over examination without attending classes. However, a participant who is not allowed to appear in the examination due to shortage of attendance, may take the examination (carry-over) only when he / she is allowed to appear in the examination by the competent authority.
A participant who does not clear any paper(s) in any semester due to some unavoidable reason(s) or fails in any such paper(s) is allowed at the discretion of the Director and as per the Examination Rules to appear insubsequent examination(s) in such paper(s) as a carry- over examinee and meanwhile he / she is allowed to go to next semester.
A participant can normally avail three chances to clear any paper / semester and thereafter more chances by the special permission of the Director, but in no case beyond the expiry of two years of the final semester examination of candidate’s original batch.

Retotalling of Marks: A participant not satisfied with the marks in any paper(s) (except Practical and Project & Viva Voce) may apply for retotalling of marks by depositing the requisite fee (Rs. 300/- per paper). The result of such retotalling will be communicated through Notice Board of the Institute. There is, however, no provision for re-evaluation. Application for retotalling of marks must be submitted within 30 days of the result publication.

Make-up Examination: A participant who passes in all papers (40% being the pass marks) but fails to obtain required aggregate percentage (45%) of marks in any semester, may be allowed to make-up for the deficiency by appearing at any one or maximum three paper(s) of the concerned semester.

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS):
The CBCS provides an opportunity to the students from choosing the courses from the prescribed list of courses comprising the core, elective or skilled-based courses. The courses can be evaluated on the basis of grading system which is considered to be better than the conventional marking or evaluation system.

Grading System
The grading system provides uniformity in the evaluation. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) based on performance of a student in the examination which enables him/her to move across Institutions of higher learning. The uniformity in the evaluation system also enables the potential employers to assess the performance of the student/candidate.
Total score obtained in a paper is converted to letter grade on the basis of the scale given below:

Marks Grade Grade Point
≥ 90 A+ 10
≥ 80 A 9
≥ 70 B 8
≥ 60 C 7
≥ 50 D 6
≥ 40 P 5
< 40 F 0