L. N. Mishra Institute of Economic Development & Social Change, Patna
ललित नारायण मिश्र आर्थिक विकास एवं सामाजिक परिवर्तन संस्थान, पटना

1, Nehru Marg, Patna-800001
An Autonomous Institute under Govt. of Bihar
Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna and Approved by AICTE, Govt. of India

Ranked amongst Top 15 B-School of Eastern India by Times B school Survey



ICT Training Centre

The Institute has emerged as a Centre for Excellence in the area of providing all types of Online Examination Facilities. It is the only center in the state of Bihar for Online Examination conducted by NIELIT, (Formerly DOEACC Society) an Autonomous Society of Dept. of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India. Staff Selection Commission, Allahabad has utilized this facility of the Institute for its Online Examination. Organizations under Govt. of Bihar like Bihar State Road Development Corporation, Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation, Mid Day Meal Scheme of the Department of Education, etc. are some beneficiaries. Several organizations like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), National Stock Exchange (NSE)-IT, Eduquity, etc. being benefitted by such facility on regular basis. Some of the important examinations are GATE, CAG, BITSAT, SMU, KIIT, SRM, IBPSCWE, AIMA-MAT, BIT-MCA, ICAI, etc.

Training under the Chief Minister Entrepreneurship Scheme

This Institute has been immensely engaged in providing economic growth and social development to weaker sections of Bihar. In accordance with providing financial security and empowerment, It has joined hands with Industry Department, Government of Bihar to benefit more than thousand unemployed of the State of Bihar.

On-Line Examination Facilities

The Institute has been selected by Govt. of India under National Knowledge Network (NKN). Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) has provided high speed (1 GBPS) Leased Line based Internet facility in the Institute.

Internet Facility

Internet connection (2 MBPS) has been provided by BSNL. Every section/cell has Internet accessibility in the Institute.

Semester and Classes

A calendar year is divided into two semesters. As per AICTE guidelines, pattern of semester is as indicated here. Classes are conducted in both buildings of the Academic block and Technical block in the campus. Generally, classes are started from 9.00 am

Two years and onwards of the programme

Semester/Event Odd Semester Even Semester
Commencement of Classes August January
End of Classes November April